Você está aqui: Entrada Films História Trágica com Final Feliz


Tragic Story with Happy Ending

Once upon a time there was a little girl whose heart beat faster than other people’s…


That disturbed them… because of the noise… Her heart beat so loudly…


She tried to explain: “It’s a bird’s heart… I’m in a body that isn’t my own… That’s why my heart beats so fast… I’m a bird…”


“What is she saying?” “Poor Girl…” “She won’t last”


So she ran away…

She wanted to disappear… let herself be carried away by the wind…


Eventually the rain calmed her down. So, she went home. And she carried on as before…


Little by little, people got used to the noise of her heart… In the end they even forgot about it…


No one realized what was happening… And this was so good for her.


She was also getting use to it…

She even started to like her own body…


She felt lighter and lighter…


No one noticed her smile as she looked up at the sky.


Then, one day…


People didn’t know if it was someone dying or someone being born…

But one thing was sure… That was the way everyone would have liked to leave…

Tecnologia Plone, o Software Livre para Gestão de Conteúdos

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